Clara Pallí
"Actor 1: she voices out loud the premise ‘existence precedes essence’, while making three steps towards the lying pet.

Actor 2: she stands up from the chair and reminisces the sources of her esoteric view on the scenery. She remains where she is and looks at Actor 1.

Actor 1: she stands still for a second. (Silence)
She mumbles about domesticated values, absolutes, seriousness and bad faith. She understands it is a matter of time.

Actor 2: she turns around and moves as well towards the pet. She tries to be as conscious as possible of the energy flow and the early modern era, as the scene slowly gets tinted with a purple hue."
Sketch on 'The Ethics of Ambiguity'.

Video sketch developed during the project week.

(actors: Haevan Lee, MAR student currently in Korea & Alba, Noortje's pet)

Scene developed for the collective play during the project week.

Voice: Xenia Klein.
Close up video
Installation collaboration with Omid Kheirabadi
Kissed // 
Fog Off